Welcome to The Observation Lounge.
As you may have noticed, things have changed. For the time being, the original plan for this site is out the spaceport. Personal obstacles over the last few years have prevented Daniel and myself to start working on the video’s we were planning on making. For the time being I will be maintaining this site by myself.
The initial goal was for Daniel and I to make short video’s, discussing upcoming trailers, current sci-fi news and making video’s at various Events and Conventions. Although we would both still love to start working on those, personal issues have put a stop to this. So for now I am testing the waters with this site solo, and focus more on events and conventions as a whole. After I have worked through my own problems, I would love to see if people from outside resouces can make video’s for us at public events and conventions.
But right now, getting this site up and running is the goal. There is not much in the works right now. But if you are interested in supporting this site, either PM me at https://www.facebook.com/Raymond.TF.4ever or e-mail me at tf@spacestation-online.com
Thank you for all your support.
Raymond T.